This post first appeared at
The other day, as I perused one of the local free papers, I came across an ad for daycare. A new center had just opened and the fee for their services were $450 more than the tuition I charge. Ironically, they were offering many of the same things I was offering parents - except I offer a small family (no more than six children) in-home, (close to downtown in the NE) daycare situation and have been doing it for quite some time (over 22 years of caring for kids like yours).
The similarities are few: they have several openings (I have two) and they want girls (which would be great for my situation as well since I have one girl and three boys - although in the big scheme of things, this makes little difference at this age). The two spots I have open are both full time and with good reason: this is as much as school as the older kids attend, with scheduled activities and learning albeit in a soft structured setting. Full-time, just like big kid's school is as much to train your child as it is to train you.
The biggest difference between this "center" and me is the savings (the difference what I charge and what they charge) of $450 a month. Think how much college money that could provide in your child's 529 plan. Over the course of their time with me, that $450 saved dollars per month would take your family on several very nice vacations, buy hundreds of gallons of gas, thousands of pieces of fruit at the farmer's market, and tens of thousands of gallons of milk.
I encourage you to think about what you are getting in a daycare situation. Lots of money doesn't buy better care. Good care, such as what I provide is invaluable in the formation of your child, their well-being and their leap into school one day.
Check out my site and send me an email with any questions.
I look forward to hearing from you smart shoppers with smart kids.
Bonni Petillo
Bonni's Funtastic
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